Webinar on Cloud Computing

This webinar is very useful and highlights the important factors of cloud computing before moving the business to cloud. It explains the critical factors as it can affect the organization and business processes. It gives a best advice for the organization who wishes to migrate their business to cloud and to manage the key consideration and cloud service provider which are very essential.

It provide a very informative piece of advice and clear the doubt of cloud computing whether to migrate the business to cloud or not and which tools and strategies needs to be considered.

Overall, the webinar is excellent and especially suitable for the small businesses so that they can decide and move their business into cloud and explore the world by making profit.


IBM-White Paper

This White Paper talks about the Strategies to Improve Application Testing. As there are several requirement or conditions to be met before developing or initializing an application. Companies are striving hard to deliver high quality application in tight IT budget. Incomplete or Flawed test data in testing can lead to application Failure and cause business Disruption. It also talks about the cloning application production but it labour intensive and prone to error much more. Testing various deployment phases is mandatory as it can be downtime for companies if you fail to do so. I think, testing an application is very challenging task as we need to access each and every case to avoid conflict. And Special thanks to IBM InfoSphere Optim meet the most complex challenge providing effective test data management strategies. Using this, developer can browse or edit test case and if error occurred can resolve them and many more. As it provide reliability, efficiency, accuracy and lead the business in upward trend.
In Conclusion, I would like to say that no business can sustain the revenue impact and customer loss just because of the application failure.

White paper Link:http://public.dhe.ibm.com/common/ssi/ecm/en/imw14037usen/IMW14037USEN.PDF

Technology Trends You Can’t Afford to Ignore

Disruptive Technologies plays a crucial role in business processes as it challenge the sustaining technologies and causing disruption between the organisation and the users.

The Webinar talks about the major technology which affected the business and given an alarm to the organisation to indentify the key point to keep them in Market and update periodically for any change. There are lots of technologies which we can’t afford to miss it, as an organization we need to keep a critical eye and align the businesses with the IT or match your business with Information Technology for better output.

Social Networking site plays a tremendous role in today’s world and especially facebook, about 500 million subscribers till July and still adding and according to Pacquet, if face book was a country, it would be the 3rd largest country in the world. An organisation should take advantage to publish their product or brand and make most of it as it is a very powerful tool and even allow reviewing or getting feedback of our product from number of subscribers.

Overall, the webinar was useful but too descriptive.  The Owner/Organization should take the advantage and make most of it and should develop some strategies to deal with it.

Gartner Website: http://www.chrobisconsulting.com/_blog/Chrobis_Consulting_Blog/post/Upcomingwebinarondisruptivetechnology/